BitPay CCO Predicts Altcoins to ‘Never Come Back,’ Bitcoin to ‘Rebound’ in 2019

Bitcoin News Today

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Bitpay has been one of the largest global crypto payment processors for years. With that, one of these fine days, the Chief Commercial Officer of the Global Crypto Payment processor, Bitpay shared the fact that the transaction and any trade related to altcoins will eventually be phased out and that is the reason behind the term, “will never come back”. Most business individuals have also foreseen the improvement of Bitcoin in the future and specifically in the year 2019. The prediction might become real or just a dream but there are high hopes that Bitcoin will gain rather than loose.

Most firms are launching bitcoins rather than altcoins 

The prediction of a significant comeback of bitcoin has been attributed by the fact that most firms such as the Fidelity and Black Rock have resorted to not launch Altcoin products rather than Bitcoin. From this prediction, it is clear that Bitcoin will make a great comeback while the altcoin may never have a chance to make a comeback in the recent future. Regardless of the directionality of the outcomes of his prediction, bitcoin has more chance of growth as compared to altcoins.

Bitcoin payment has been integrated with various company payment systems 

Sources have it that Bitpay has also taken a new direction where new auto retailers such as Oak Motor has introduced a payment system that accepts BTC and not any other type of crypto. With that, most of the predictions have seen BTC making a very significant comeback and this will overthrow altcoin from its throne. In fact, the U.S leadership has accepted leadership as far as BCH; Bitcoin Cash payment is concerned.

Big entrants planning to offer Bitcoin trade swaps

Various sources have speculated that the ‘big entrants’ are indeed some of the banking giants in the U.S. Some of these giants include Morgan Stanley. It is said that this firm is almost attaining the final stage of planning. The plan has been aimed at introducing Bitcoin trade swaps where its clients will be able to trade using crypto. This means that the clients will be in a position to buy and sell services as well as goods with the use of BTC. This move will also be one of the promoting factors as far as Bitcoin rebound is concerned. It is now clear why altcoins will never come back and Bitcoins making a comeback.

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